Power BI: Add a Row to a Manually Created Table

We sometimes need to create a manual table in Power BI to do some quick tasks. And we need to be able to add new rows to this table as we develop our dashboard. This is how we can edit the manually created table to add more rows of data to it.

How to Create a Manual Table

In the Report View, under the Home tab, select Enter data button to open the Create Table popup window.

You can add as many rows or columns you want to add to this table. Once done, select the Load button to create the table in Table View.

How to Add Row to Already Created Table

To add more rows to a manually created table, open the Power Query Editor.

  1. Select the manual table to see its Query Settings on the right panel.
  2. Click on the cog icon next to Source to open the Create Table popup window. Here you can add more rows/columns, add data etc.
  3. Right click on any row to insert or delete rows.

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